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The shippment charges of one book is PKR 110 and then PKR 40 will be added on each book. Payment Method: Easy Paisa, Jazz Cash, Cash on Delivery

Customer FeedBack

Order NoNameCustomer RemarkAdmin ReplyRating
BCOL100152Mrs Faisal AminBook centre delivery service is amazing and fast and the Condition there boos is also good .Thankyou book centre for your fast delivery for the book ,I know if I need a book I can always trust and you and your team with the job ??Thank you for your encouraging comments.4
BCOL100159HudabaigYour books were very much what I expected them to be and they were delivered very timely but I one thing that I want you to take into account is that the parcel was being sent through post and postman asked us to pay 100Rs more apart from the bill thThank you for your comments. We have taken up the matter with the GPO people for demanding extra amount.5